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The simplified procedures shall be examined by the court of proceedings in accordance with general rules, taking into account the exceptions provided for in Chapter 30.3 of the Civil Procedure Law. That arrangement shall apply to requirements where the total amount of the main debt or the maintenance recovery requirement on the date of the claim submission does not exceed EUR 2500.

A judge of the simplified procedure shall propose based on an application for a written request, which shall be drawn up in conformity with the sample (form) approved by the Cabinet. The defendant must also fill in the form of a specific model for responding to particular claims when providing explanations requested by the court. Within the time limit specified for the provision of explanations, the defendant is entitled to bring a counterclaim.

The simplified procedure cases relate only to the national legal framework, where both the applicant and the defendant are present in Latvia. If one of the parties moved to one of the EU countries, proceedings between the courts of the countries concerned under Regulation 861/2007 of 11 July 2007 should continue to be brought.

The special features of the proceedings for the simplified procedure for the case are indicated in Section 54.1 of the Civil Procedure Law at the appeal instance.

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