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The Consumer Dispute Resolution Commission (Commission) is an independent collegial decision-making body that resolves disputes between consumers and sellers or service providers based on consumer submissions. The operation of the Commission is facilitated by the Consumer Rights Protection Center (CRPC).

The Commission acts as an extrajudicial dispute resolver in accordance with the Law On Out-Of-Court Consumer Dispute Resolution Bodies. The Commission's chairperson and members are independent and objective in examining disputes and making decisions and are not subject to orders or other influences. In resolving disputes, the Commission applies the procedures established in the Consumer Rights Protection Law.

The Commission does not consider a dispute if:

  • the consumer has not approached the seller or service provider to resolve the dispute through negotiations;
  • the dispute is insignificant or trivial;
  • the dispute is being or has been considered by another extrajudicial dispute resolver or a court, or if another extrajudicial dispute resolver is competent to resolve it;
  • the dispute concerns a product or service priced below 20 euros or above 14,000 euros;
  • resolving the dispute would seriously disrupt the Commission's effective operation;
  • the dispute is about health care services;
  • the dispute is about legal services;
  • the dispute is about services related to the use of residential premises;
  • the dispute concerns damages to payment documents or debt collection;
  • the seller or service provider has been declared insolvent;
  • the dispute concerns civil liability insurance services for land vehicle owners;
  • more than a year has passed since the complaint or submission was filed with the seller or service provider.

The Commission's membership includes the Commission's chairperson and members who are representatives and specialists of consumer rights protection associations and commercial associations mentioned in Article 22 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, or have relevant experience in resolving such disputes.

Resolving disputes in the Commission is free of charge for the parties involved.

Procedure for Examining Disputes in the Consumer Dispute Resolution Commission:

  1. The Commission considers a dispute if the consumer has initially filed a submission with the CRPC, but the assistance provided by the CRPC in resolving the dispute has not achieved the desired result.
  2. The submission for the examination of the dispute is submitted in writing to the CRPC, indicating the following information:
    • the consumer's name, surname, residential address, and contact information;
    • the contact information of the seller or service provider (for individuals - name, surname, and address;
    • for legal entities - name, registration number, and legal address), the nature of the dispute, their claim, and its rationale;
    • information confirming that efforts have been made to resolve the dispute by agreement with the seller or service provider.
  3. The consumer attaches documents substantiating the claim, including a copy of the transaction proof document (receipt or other payment confirmation), and a copy of the complaint or submission and the response received from the seller or service provider (if possible). Copies of documents previously submitted to the Consumer Rights Protection Center need not be resubmitted.
  4. The Commission examines the dispute in its session without the presence of the dispute parties and decides on the dispute based on the information provided by the disputing parties. If there is a lack of evidence in the case, the Commission may decide to terminate the dispute.
  5. The Commission examines the dispute and makes a decision no later than 90 days from the day all necessary documents for making a decision are received. The Commission's decision is made by a simple majority vote.
  6. The Commission's decision is voluntarily executable within 30 days from the date it becomes effective. The decision of the Commission is of an advisory nature and is not contestable or appealable.


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