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The requirements laid down in Section 16 of the Tourism Law in relation to the provision of complex and related tourism services (the obligation to receive a special permit (licence), to provide security) shall not apply to:

  • journeys which do not qualify as package or related tourist services;

For example, only the reservation of a tourist accommodation (a separate tourist service) is offered.

  • short-term tourist services covering a period of less than 24 hours, unless they include accommodation;

For example, a one-day trip – a trip to Lithuania without overnight stays.

  • tourism services offered only on a case-by-case basis, without a profit-making purpose and only for a limited group of travellers;

For example, journeys organised no more than a few times a year by educational establishments, football clubs (associations) for their members, without offering to other travellers, without a profit-making purpose.

  • services provided on the basis of a general contract for the organisation of business trips;

For example, a contract has been entered into between the tourism operator and the merchant undertaking regarding the provision of tourism services to employees of the undertaking for the provision of official missions.

  • a complex or related tourism service provider established in another EU Member State, if it has security in the event of its insolvency in accordance with the law of that Member State.

For example, the tourism service provider is registered in Estonia and has provided security in the event of its insolvency in accordance with Estonian law.