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  1. according to Regulation No. .380 17 quarterly report/- I must submit quarterly report/- to the CRPC in .
  2. Quarterly reports must be submitted:
  • the activities of the tourism operator;
  • the activities of the tourism agent;
  • the activities of the provider of related tourism services.



Paroles ievadlauka attēlojums


the user of the has the possibility to change both his or her password and information regarding the user, including . also the e-mail address with which the user accesses the online tool; the

  1. Quarterly reporting from 01/04/2020 takes place in an electronic environment using the online tool;
  2. After issuing a licence, the password for the online tool is sent by default to the electronic mail address indicated in the submission for receipt of a special permit (licence) and registration in the database;
  3. To access an online tool, you must enter the e-mail address and password that you received in the e-mail:
  4. Only 1 user is granted access to the online tool.
  • Ievadlauks - Mainīt paroli


    Ievadlauks - Pamācība


    Good afternoon.
    The Consumer Rights Protection Centre reminds you that by the end of this month you have to submit a report to the online system on the provision of package tourism services in the previous quarter.
    In case of questions and uncertainties, please contact the employees of the First Consumer collective interest monitoring Unit - senior expert Jelena Mejali, phone: +371 67388654 or senior experts dedicate Kush, phone: +371 68806523.
    The CRPC draws attention to the fact that, if the tourism agent or tourism operator has not submitted the quarterly report/- es to the CRPC within the specified time period, the CRPC is entitled to take a decision in accordance with Sub-paragraph 22.4 of Regulation No. 380 to suspend the operation of the special permit (licence) for a period of up to six months. However, if the provider of related tourism services has not submitted a quarterly report to the CRPC within the specified time period, the CRPC is entitled to take a decision to exclude the related tourism service provider from the database in accordance with Sub-paragraph 28.8 of Regulation No. 380.

    If also during the referred to suspension of the licence the tourism agent or tourism operator has not eliminated the reasons for suspension, the CRPC has the right to exclude the tourism agent or tourism operator from the database and to cancel the special permit (licence) in accordance with Sub-paragraph 26.5 of Regulation No. 380.

    The CRPC draws attention to the fact that for the provision of false information in accordance with Section 3, Paragraph one of the Administrative punishment Law on violations in the field of Administration, public order and use of the State Language, the CRPC may apply a warning or money from fourteen to two thousand eight hundred fine units for failure to provide information, improper provision of information or provision of false information to the institution.

    1. If your password is lost and you don't get to the online tool, you need to contact the employees of the First Consumer collective interest monitoring Unit - senior experts Jelena Mejali, phone: +371 67388654 or senior experts dedicate Kush, phone: +371 68806523; Or writing on a
    2. To make it easier to fill out report forms, the online tool gives users the following information material:
    3. If you have questions or uncertainties when filling out the report, contact the employees of the First Consumer collective interest monitoring Unit - Senior experts Jelena Mejali, phone: +371 67388654 or senior experts dedicate Kush, phone: +371 68806523; Or writing on the;
    4. To make adjustments to the report (s) already submitted, contact the employees of the First Consumer collective interest monitoring Unit - Senior Expert Jelena Mejali, phone: +371 67388654 or senior experts dedicate Kush, phone: +371 68806523; Or writing on the;
    5. On the day following the end of the relevant quarter, merchants shall receive an automatically generated reminder to the e-mail address specified in the online tool: