2 000.00-10 000.00
Execution deadline in working days
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Individual person
Private law legal person
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Receiving restrictions

In order to improve and improve consumer rights and protection mechanisms in the area of out-of-court debt recovery, as well as to monitor market participants providing services in this area, the Consumer Rights Protection Centre (PTAC) issues, re-registers, makes amendments to the issued licence and cancels the special permit (licence) to the provider of the debt recovery service. A special permit (licence) shall be issued for three years.

Process description

  1. Payment for service
    Before submitting the application to the CRPC the debt recovery service provider shall firstly pay the state fee for the receipt of the special permit (licence) EUR 10 000,00 or the state fee for supervision of the activity of the provider of debt recovery services EUR 2 000.00.

    Payment Details
    Payee: State Treasury
    Payee registration number: 90000597275
    Payee bank account (IBAN): LV48TREL1060120929900
    Purpose of the payment: PA - name of service provider.

  2. Documents to be submitted for receipt of the service.
    1) In order for the debt recovery service provider to obtain a special permit (licence), the person shall submit the application for obtaining the special permit (licence). The following documents shall be attached to the application:
    • The letter of attorney of the authorised, if the application is submitted by the authorised representative;
    • The internal arrangements for the provision of a debt recovery service drawn up and approved by the debt recovery service provider, which determine the procedures for the recovery of the debt, the contact with debtors, the positions constituting the recovery costs and their financial transcript;
    • Procedures for the handling of consumer complaints drawn up and approved by the debt recovery service provider in order to ensure that complaints received are handled and answered within a reasonable time;
    • A statement of criminal and administrative criminal records issued by the institution of the country of residence of the person who maintains information on criminal records in accordance with national law. The statement must have been issued not earlier than 6 months prior to the submission of the application to the CRPC. The statement must be accompanied by a certified translation into the official language (the statement shall be required if the provider of the debt recovery service or a member of its board or the member of the board of directors or the remaining member is an alien);
    • A criminal statement from the institution of the country of residence of the person who maintains information on criminal convictions in accordance with national law, if the employee of the provider of the debt recovery service, whose duties include the recovery of debts, is an alien. The statement must have been issued not earlier than 6 months prior to the submission of the application to the CPRC. The statement must be accompanied by a certified translation into the official language;
    • Procedures for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism and Proliferation Financing;
    • Projects for the initial and re-notification of debts.

    2) In order to re-register the issued debt recovery service provider special permit (licence), the person shall submit the application for the Re-registration of the special permit (licence). The following documents shall be attached to the application:
    • The letter of attorney of the authorised, if the application is submitted by the authorised representative;
    • Statement of criminal and administrative criminal records issued by the authority of the State of residence of the person who maintains information on criminal records in accordance with national law. The statement must have been issued not earlier than 6 months prior to the submission of the application to the CPRC. The statement must be accompanied by a certified translation into the official language (the statement shall be required if the provider of the debt recovery service or a member of its board or the member of the board of directors or the remaining member is an alien);
    • A criminal statement from the institution of the country of residence of the person who maintains information on criminal convictions in accordance with national law, if the employee of the provider of the debt recovery service, whose duties include the recovery of debts, is an alien. The statement must have been issued not earlier than 6 months prior to the submission of the application to the CPRC. The statement must be accompanied by a certified translation into the official language;
    • In case the internal procedures for the provision of debt recovery services have been amended, the approved procedures should be re-submited

    3) In order to amend the issued debt recovery service provider special permit (licence), the person shall submit the application for making amendments to the special permit (licence).

    4) In case the debt recovery service provider wants to cancel a special permit (licence), it shall sub

  3. Request a service.
    • Via the portal, using an activated email address.
    • By e-mail: The person shall send the application and the attached documents by e-mail. The provider of the debt recovery service shall certify the application and the electronic copies of the documents attached thereto with a secure electronic signature and time stamp.
    • By post: The person shall send the application by post. If necessary, the application shall be accompanied by a power attesting to the right of signature.
    • On-site: A person shall submit an application and the attached documents in person to the CRPC.

  4. Receiving the service.
    After the decision on the special permit (licence) issuance or re-registration has been taken the CRPC issues the debt recovery service provider-specific sample special permit (licence) in the form as required in the application. The CRPC issues the special permit (licence) either in the form of an electronic document or in the form of a printed document.
    The decision on the special permit (licence) issuance, amending, re-registration or cancellation can be delivered via the following channels:
    • on the portal;
    • to the specified e-mail address;
    • reply by letter sent to the registered office or declared address (in the case of a natural person);
    • on-site: A person may receive a special permit (licence) in person upon arrival at the CRPC. For identification, the person will be asked to show the person ID.

    In addition, it is possible for any person to check the updated information about the special permit (licence) issuance, cancellation as well as other information in the debt recovery service providers register.