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Receiving restrictions

Prior to commencing trade in gas cylinders, the gas cylinders trader (hereinafter - the Merchant) needs to register the trading place in the Registry of gas cylinders trading places maintained by the CRPC (hereinafter - the Registry). In order to register gas cylinders trading place in Registry or update information provided in the Registry, as well to exclude a gas cylinders trading place from the Registry, the Merchant should to submit a request to the CRPC in accordance with requirements of Cabinet Regulation No. 755 adopted on 9 December 2014 “Procedures for the Circulation, Supervision and Control of Gas Cylinders”.

Process description

  1. Request a service remotely.
    In order to register the gas cylinders trading place or to update the information, the Merchant must fill in the Application. In the case if the Merchant would like to exclude the gas cylinders trading place from the Registry, the Merchant must prepare the Request in a free form. It is important that the Application or Request is signed by the person entitled to sign the documents.
    The Application/Request may be submitted:
    On the portal
    The Merchant must use the e-service “Application to the Authority”. Using this e-service, it is possible for the Merchant to send the Application/Request to the CPRC electronically with adding in attachment the Application/Request signed with secure electronic signature (eParaksts). If necessary, Power of Attorney certifying the right of signature to sign the Application/Request should be added in attachment.
    By e-mail
    The Merchant shall send the Application/Request by e-mail. The documents must be signed with a secure electronic signature and time stamp. If necessary, the Application/Request should be accompanied byPower of Attorney certifying the right of signature to sign the Application/Request
    By post
    The Merchant shall send the Application/Request by post. If necessary, the Application/Request should be accompanied byPower of Attorney certifying the right of signature to sign the Application/Request

  2. Service requested on-site in person.
    The Merchant shall complete the Application/prepare the Request in a free form, arrives at the CRPC and submit the Application/Request in person.

  3. Payment for service.
    The service is free of charge

  4. Receiving the service remotely.
    The Merchant may receive the information regarding the decision to include the gas cylinders trading place in the Registry, to exclude it from the Registry or confirmation on the updating of the information about trading place in the Registry through one of the following channels:
    • on the portal;
    • reply by letter sent to the specified e-mail address;
    • reply by letter sent to the registered official address.
    In addition, the Merchant may verify online in the publicly available Registry that the registration or exclusion has been carried out, as well that all the data provided by the Merchant regarding the gas cylinders trading place are correctly indicated.

  5. Receipt of services on-site in person.
    Merchant may receive the reply letter regarding the decision taken by CRPC in person on-site by the arrival at the CRPC. It will be necessary to certify identity upon presentation of an identity document (passport or ID card).