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Receiving restrictions

The installation and availability of playground and recreational area intended for public use (hereinafter - public playground and recreational areas) whether in return for payment or free of charge shall be allowed only if it has been registered in the Register of Public Playground and Recreational Areas (hereinafter - Register) maintained by the Consumer Rights Protection Centre (hereinafter - CRPC). The owner or lawful possessor of a public playground and recreational area (hereinafter - possessor) has an obligation to register a public playground and recreational area if it conforms to at least one of the following:

  • the playground equipment or equipment for other activities installed in the public playground and recreational area is intended for more than two activities (climbing, jumping, swinging, sliding, spinning, crawling, creeping, or any combination of those activities);
  • there are more than four playground equipment or equipment for other activities installed in the public playground and recreational area;
  • in the already installed public playground and recreational area, one of the playground equipment or equipment for other activities is replaced, substantially reorganizing or developing the public playground and recreational area and thus achieving compliance with the above criteria.

Process description

  1. Documents to be submitted for receipt of the service.
    In order to register or update information on public playground and recreational area in the Register, the possessor must prepare the Application with attached documents. If the possessor wishes to register at the same time more than five public playground and recreational areas, the Application may be combined (e.g. in the MS Excel file), including all the information referred to in the Application.
    If the possessor wishes to exclude the public playground and recreational area from the Register, it is necessary to prepare an application in a free format.
    It is important that the Application/application is signed by the person with signatory power.

    The following documents must accompany the Application/application:
    • the power of attorney of the authorized representative if the application is submitted by the authorized representative;
    • a contract from which flows the right of a person to represent the association of persons without specific authorization (in the case of mixed co-ownership status);
    • if necessary, post-installation inspection report of the playground and recreational area.

  2. Payment for a service.
    The service is provided free of charge.

  3. Requesting a service remotely.
    An Application/application may be submitted:
    • On the website using an activated e-mail address.
    • By e-mail: The person shall send the Application/application and the attached documents by e-mail. The person shall certify the electronic copies of the Application/application and the documents attached with a secure electronic signature and time stamp.
    • By post: The person shall send the Application/application and the necessary documents by post;
    • On-site: A person shall submit the Application/application and the necessary documents to CRPC personally. To enter the premises of the CRPC a personal identification document is required.

  4. Receiving the service.
    Information regarding the decision taken to include public playground and recreational area in the Register, to exclude from the Register, or the confirmation of updating of information in the Register, person can be received in one of the following channels:
    • on the portal;
    • to the specified e-mail address;
    • by letter sent to the legal address or the address of the declared place of residence (in the case of a natural person);
    • on-site: A letter in reply regarding the decision taken by CRPC may be received personally on the spot on arrival in the CRPC. It will be necessary to certify the identity by presenting an official identity document, as well as, if necessary, to present a power of attorney (authorized representative) or a contract (person representing an association of persons).